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lib1.gif (5118 byte) lib2.gif (12654 byte) lib3.gif (3804 byte)
1st - 10th day from 10/04/1999 to 12/05/1999 The first ten days at sea
11th - 20th day from 12/05/1999 to 22/05/1999 From the 11th to the 20th day
21st - 30th day from 23/05/1999 to 01/06/1999 From the 21th to the 30th day
31st - 40th day from 02/06/1999 to 11/06/1999 From the 31th to the 40th day
41st - 50th day from 12/06/1999 to 21/06/1999 From the 41th to the 50th day
51st - 60th day from 22/06/1999 to 01/07/1999 From the 51th to the 60th day
61st - 70th day from 02/07/1999 to 11/07/1999 From the 61th to the 70th day
71st - 80th day from 12/07/1999 to 21/07/1999 From the 71th to the 80th day
81st day 22/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

Squali sulla Madonna di Pompei
82nd day 23/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

6 metri di Mako
83rd day 24/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

84th day 25/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

La secca degli squali...
85th day 26/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

I nomi degli squali
86th day 27/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

Le ultime fatiche
87th day 28/07/1999

In the harbour of Lampedusa

See you again on the 31 August


31 agosto  Lampedusa Ricomincia il diario di bordo
10 settembre Lampedusa Un incontro inatteso
20 settembre Lampedusa Brutto tempo...
21 settembre Lampedusa Arrivederci...

© 1999 by RAL GRUPPO - Via Clitunno, 2 - 00198 ROMA
Tel. (+39) 06 8411101 - Fax . (+39) 06 85856749
