of the eightyfourth day on board
25th July, 1999
bank of sharks
The second
phase of the expedition is coming to an end. The Mission, however,
is not over because immediately after the August holiday there
will be two more very interesting phases.
The latest
news is this: I believe I have finally located “the bank of
sharks”, an area around Lampedusa.
This stretch
of sea, in which I hope to soon dive and which I will shortly
speak to you about, could be one of the few places in the Mediterranean
where you can find, with any regularity, sharks (care should
be attached at this point because sharks are by nature solitary
For sure
also in Libya, Turkey and Greece there are stretches of sea
populated frequently by sharks, but these waters are very far
from Italy and the sharks there are above all grey sharks (Carcharhinus
plumbeus). There's nothing much to add about grey sharks.
Although in certain moments of the expedition we would have
been satisfied with seeing an honest grey shark (even a dogfish
under the boat would have raised a smile) I have to say that
Mission Sharks was born out of a need to look for bigger and
more spectacular fish and above all those swimming near Italian
What sharks?
Till tomorrow.