of the seventyfirst day on board
12th July, 1999
4,30 Caterina, my wife, starts copiously chumming once
again, with a determined look.
11,10 Its been 15 hours since we've been chumming less
than 100 metres from the coast and still nothing. We decide
to lower an "underwater eye” to inspect the bottom and
what do we see? Sand, sand and more sand.
Also the
lobster pot is empty. There is no trace of any fish and even
less of sharks. Perhaps the fish have scarpered because of their
fear of the shark? Perhaps, but I don't think so. It could be
that Mariano saw a shark but the animal was only near the coast
by chance and only for a short amount of time. In the 3 hours
it took for us to arrive maybe the shark could have swum miles
away, to find a more suitable environment and where, above all,
there's prey.
11,20 I take the decision to break off this operation
in which I'm no longer have much enthusiasm and decide to weigh
anchor towards Bancotto: a reef around 14 miles south east of
Lampedusa. We have it on strong recommendation.