of the sixtninth day on board
10th July, 1999
shark's seven senses
Sharks have
the same five senses as man, i.e. touch, sight, smell, hearing
and taste. But they also have 2 more unknown to us.
The sixth
sense is a type of 'touching at a distance'. Thanks to two "lateral
lines", one on each side of the body, sharks are able to
perceive tiny differences in the pressure of the water due to
the movements of their prey, even at a distance of 100 metres.
The seventh
sense consists of the ability to perceive electric fields across
the certain facial pores (the so-called "ampolle del Lorenzini").
Sharks are also able to sense the electric fields of their prey,
and in the final phase of their attack, are uniquely guided
by this "radar".
PS: We are
still here, at Lampedusa.
