of the sixtyseventh day on board
8th July, 1999
Thanks to
the presence on board of Angelo Mojetta, I take the opportunity
… to have a day's holiday and hand the keyboard over to him.
Mistral wind is playing the role of master and the only thing
we have learnt is to be very patient.
Here at Lampedusa it's hard to stay in the lee of the wind and
we are forced one more time to admire the beauty of the harbour.
Moored along one of the many quays, surrounded by fishing boats
of all shapes and sizes, we spend our time chatting with the
fishermen who confirmed to us the presence of the sharks in
the area. Not all of them agree on the best period but our camera
was able to take some interesting shots.
waters are amongst the best in the Mediterranean and, if the
weather was with us, we would be able to see sharks at a depth
of 30 metres. They would surely be attracted from a distance
by our rich and perfumed bait.
met Testa, the fisherman who last year captured a young white
shark right here in the water off Lampedusa. This shark has
now become very famous and is mentioned in all scientific news
about the species. Let's hope that having shaken Testa's hand
we'll have some better luck. As the advertising slogan goes
"luck is not enough, but it certainly helps".

Angelo Mojetta