of the sixtythird day on board
4th July, 1999
science hobbles on, one's 'nose' becomes important. I have
a huge one but even today its of no use’.We
are 11 miles from Lampedusa on the Levant reef, one of the 4
star restaurants in the Mediterranean with white bream, sea
urchins and ravens gather in numbers.
Many of
the fishermen of Porto Palo, Siracusa, Catania and Malta have
told us: "go to Lampedusa on the Levant reef. You will
find sharks in abundance."
Fine, we are here above the famous reef at last on a day of
dead calm. We are still at a depth of 30 metres and we have
been chumming intensely since yesterday.
On the bottom
there is a lot of life but on the surface there are no fins.
nose tells me that we must move on and not remain above this
reef but the advice of the experts and locals, despite the impossibility
of weighing anchor at this depth, is to stay here. Not for ever
however: chumming for less than 6 hours is worthless but to
persevere for more than 40 seems to be verging on the ridiculous.
Tomorrow "o la spa o la vacca" . If we don't see any
teeth, were off!
reefs and Lampione are waiting for us.