of the fiftyninth day on board
30th June, 1999
We have spotted a fin on the surface, two in fact. We are above
the Levant reef about 10 miles from Lampedusa. The shark swam
around the boat. Franco, it was his turn, saw it clearly even
if he didn’t recognise the type and assured us it wasn’t a 'pesce
luna', a fish which often swims near the surface with its triangular
dorsal fin out of the water and can easily be confused with
a shark. I woke up straight away.
15,30 We carry on chumming intensely. Its been 8 hours
since I've been watching the surface of the water and the monitor
(the one transmitting the images taken under the boat). I keep
turning my head but I've still seen nothing. This doesn’t mean
much as the shark, if it is nearby, could come back at any time.
18,00 We carry on.