of the fiftysixth day on board
27th June, 1999
way we were optimistic didn't help us very much. Will we always
be able to go on chumming for 24 hours on end?
A sirocco wind hit again, right when a skate was swimming with
interest near the boat along the bank offshore Lampedusa.
In Malta
we stocked up on chum: a tonne of fish. On board we have two
freezers but when a good opportunity comes to stock up, we do
so liberally utilising every space at our disposal. Nevertheless,
even if it remains packed in ice the chum's resistance is limited
and after three days …the fish does smell!
Also, if the weather is bad in those three days we are obliged
to throw away the fish from the freezer with difficulty, annoyance
and…the accompanying smell.
That's what already happened in Calabria.
It is not
so easy stocking up on chum during an expedition lasting months.
Considering that the space at disposal in the wholesalers' cold
stores is rather like finding a parking space in a big city
(i.e. few, not perfect and rare), it's also always the case
that if you do decide to get hold of some chum, there will always
be some left over due to the bad weather; while if you don't
decide to buy it, there won't be enough at the very moment you
need it most. Besides, it must be said that it's not so easy
to find a lot of cheap fish in a short time. So, whatever you
do you are always bound to be wrong.
a.m. Huge amounts of fish are thrown away astern and
the seagulls are happily following us. We are not so happy.
The waves are very high due to the strong wind. In the meanwhile
we have to throw away six quintals of unused blue fish.