of the fiftyfourth day on board
25th June, 1999
a.m. Bye bye Malta.
Alicudi is slowly leaving the harbour of La Valletta
with its stern headed towards Lampedusa.
till now, I have hidden from you the presence on board of a
famous guest (V.I.P.), an expert from the Italian Scientific
Journal, a reliable and witty "pen". A name you can
trust if I may borrow from a famous TV commercial regarding
a well-known cream cheese.
His professional activities range from press to TV. I will limit
myself in saying that he is one of the authors of "Superquark"
and the science adviser for the Italian National Geographic
magazine. And that really is something!
Well, I have the honour and the pleasure of having him on board
in the role of a sea explorer.
stage name: Giovanni Carrada
can be praised for participating in many of the activities on
board: we have watched him running ropes, chumming the sea,
cracking jokes, catching sight of dolphins, sleeping in the
sun and most of all spending a lot of time scripting in his
note-pad the next documentary or working at the computer to
add a "turbo" to my writing.
The jump in quality and content of my writing in last few days
is not only due to us being in Malta….but to Giovanni!
And if there are still some inaccuracies that's due to the fact
that I didn't want to keep bothering him.

After about 10 hours at sea we reach a bank south-east of Lampedusa
where we are going to spend the whole day.