of the fortyeighth day on board
19th June, 1999
Marco, would you also go to the areas where all the fishermen
Their experience drives them to the right spot. These could
be places where either adult sharks come together to mate, or
perhaps migration routes where individuals move through the
Mediterranean basins. Besides which, intelligence and past experience,
born of trial and error and knowledge handed down from father
to son, allow fishermen to develop the most suitable equipment
and the right bait to catch them.
Except on rare occasions Italian fishermen are not interested
in catching sharks Most of their catches are due to chance encounters
and are made up of 'bycatch'. Observing 'bycatch' can be useful
both for people interested in getting footage of sharks as well
as for those who want to study their biology and their conservation.
See you
tomorrow for the next part.
By the way, now we are by the reef of Filfa, south-east of Malta,
one of the most dangerous reefs in the Mediterranean.
For a few hours, after many days of bad weather we have been
chumming again and…..filming.

Costantini on set