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Journal of the fortyseventh day on board

18th June, 1999

According to you which is the best place to look for a shark?
Where fishermen catch many of them, where they never catch them or where fishermen never really go!
Each choice is at the same time logical, yet irrational.
Let's try to play this game on board with Piero Lupo and Marco Costantini.
I will take the role of the "spoiler".

I ask Piero.

"I would go where fishermen usually catch lots of them. If fishermen go to a particular spot it means that that place is better than most".

But big sharks aren't as numerous as tuna, they have a low rate of reproduction and, being predators, they never crowd an area. If there is a stretch of sea where sharks have been fished for a long time it probably means there would be a lack them. It's not the case that shark fishing is characterized by great results followed by crushing failures.

Tomorrow we'll ask Marco his opinion.

At lunch with the fishermen

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