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Journal of the fortythird day on board

14th June, 1999

Of 50 days of the expedition (of which only 43 have been on board – 7 during the initial phase were so bad that we didn’t even climb on board) only 15 have been the days when the weather has allowed us to pasture the sea. So few.
Of these 15, only 5 have been good enough to film a shark in the water.
Many days have been at the mercy of the weather and of the hope for the following day. The reasoning has been this: now its bad, but lets go out the same and feed the sea because if the weather improves and a shark comes along, tomorrow we can film it. It's an investment in the weather.
Until today we have not been rewarded. Contrary to what normally happens at sea, at sunset the conditions have always been worse forcing us to stop the pasturing for hours.
Also today after 10 hours on the stern platform mixing fish, soaked to the skin like biscuits dipped in water due to the pitching of the boat, we approach the coast.

firma.GIF (1560 byte)       

A slab of meat on the surface of the water

Marco feeds the sea with the bloody mixture


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