of the thirtyeighth day on board
9th June, 1999
The bad weather has not gone away. Nevertheless we decide to
head on. We pass along the island of Correnti: a small speck
of land no bigger than a town square, a place a couple of miles
from Porto Palo, the extreme southern tip of Sicily.
We have a new dinghy. The old one, a few days ago, left us in
the lurch just as we were following the grampi.
14,20. We lower the sea anchor at Hurd Bank off Malta.
It is shallow water around 40 metres in depth. Fishermen, tankers
and cargo vessels all stop here. Unfortunately many ships take
the opportunity to empty and clean their bilges in the sea.
A small saving for the ship owners, a great loss for the sea
and all of us.
15,45 Simona Clo’,
the on/board biologist, is pasturing the sea in industrial quantities.