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Journal of the thirtythird day on board

4th June, 1999

What do we have in mind? We want to measure the pressure from a shark's bite.
For this it needs Archimedes Pitagorico.

We met Doctor Roberto Del Gado from the 'Tecno In – Servizi di Ingegneria', who took the idea from Archimedes, but not his distractedness.
Roberto has designed especially for Mission Sharks a prototype “bitemeter”; a probe (inserire foto della sonda), at the centre of which is a measuring device. This pseudo-anchor will be lowered into the water, the shark will approach it and bite into it. On board a computer will record precisely the force of the bite on the instrument while a printer will record the trace.
Elementary, no?

All bets are on. 10 kilos, 100 kilos, 500 kilos?
We have a theory but it's all to be tested and the "bitemeter” will be very useful.

By the way, there are 2 slight problems, not so insignificant:
- Find a shark
- Ask it to bite the probe


Roberto Del Gado
and the


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