of the thirtysecond day on board
3rd June, 1999
Osvaldo drains the pasta and stirs in the aubergine sauce after
having decorated a delicious rice salad.
We are in port at Catania. Yesterday a 2-way radio became flooded,
then, travelling at night we lost the rubber dinghy and shortly
after the generator also packed up.
Just like eating cherries, it seems one follows the other!
Today maintenance and .… delicious food.
For a day
Adriana has passed on her duties and the keys of the kitchen
to Osvaldo who keeps revealing unexpected talents.
is a great scuba diver, a marvellous cameraman, a most likeable
travelling companion, a chef from the 'healthy and good for
you' school of cooking and ….. I was forgetting, when he was
in Milan, was also a useful dentist, single to boot!

Osvaldo Ballabio |

delicious rice salad |
Time: 15,26
We leave Catania, bow towards Siracusa. We are going to pick
up our friend Archimedes Pitagorico, an eclectic inventor with
a strange prototype.
To what
end ?