of the twentyeighth day on board
30th May, 1999
you ever seen such a large jelly fish?
understand more about this type of mysterious and giant creature
we turn to our on-board biologist Angelo Mojetta.
Listen to
how he describes it:
a 'pseudoscifozoo' of notable size of which, until today, only
the smallest examples have ever been seen. They are associated
with sail boats (parasimbiosi talassoanemofila).
This specimen is a splendid creamy red colour, has a hood of
around 4 metres in diameter hanging from which are a series
of white filaments around 8 metres long which allow the 'pseudoscifozoo'
to attach itself solidly to whatever rope is hanging from a
In that
way the great jelly fish (Skarrocciophyla mediterranea, ordine
Optionales, famiglia Accessoridae, cfr. Digesto Marino, 1999)
is able to gain sufficient energy to extend its constituent
fabric, predominantly of twisted single thread nylon, just under
the surface of the water.
Up till
now, given the brevity of this observation, it has not been
possible to ascertain how it eats or how it grows. According
to some people the species is not of natural origin but is the
fruit of a biotecnological study.
For those
interested in acquiring such an example we advise you to head
to the best marine shops.
It can also be kept in fresh water of lakes, but we are not
certain it can
live in faster moving rivers and streams.
as with the best domesticated animals it doesn't make a mess
eat a lot, but it is simply ready to unfold its elegant umbrella
every time its needed.
P.S.). Costs around 1.000.000 lire (exc. iva and transport).

biggest jelly fish in the Mediterranean |