of the sixteenth day on board
May, 1999
p.m. We are watching one of the spectacles which has
been performed for centuries between man and the sea: it’s about
Fishing with a capital F, the one done by hand, the one that requires
sweat and tears and that is practised with nets hauled by the
hands of fishermen - miners of the sea who extract the most valuable
Everybody has completely forgotten the images of a boat full of
silvery and brilliant fish darting everywhere and trying desperately
to go back into the sea and the strong hands of the men grabbing
their tails and filling the boxes.
We take the opportunity to buy fish offshore.
We have been chumming for the last two hours, the spot seems to
be good: a canyon submerged on a muddy bank. Deep gorges which
lead the fish toward the summit as if on a highway. We are going
to spend some days here.