of the twelveth day on board
14th May, 1999
Coast Guard Headquarters gave us a warm welcome. On board the
oceanographic ship 'Bannock' - "a charming old woman"
- according to its Captain Mr Della Luna, Mr Falcone Commander
of Gallipoli has organized a successful press conference and an
introductory speech on the expedition, in the presence of many
young people.
11:30 a.m. Together with Admiral Pollastrini
of the Coast Guard Headquarters, Recchi presents Mission Sharks
expedition in the presence of some students and of journalists
of the local press.
The Coast Guard really supports Mission Sharks: Francesco Carabellese
Commander of a long range patrol boat is taking part in the entire
mission assuring safety on board and allowing the team to keep
searching for the sharks.

La Bannock