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Pierfrancesco Lupo was born in Taranto, a seaside town by tradition and vocation. He has always had an irrepressible love for sea and when he was still a child he preferred to spend his time with old local fishermen rather than with those of his own age.
Growing up, his fishing technique and knowledge of the local sea conditions became more and more refined in the good company of the "lucky" young girl-friends who had the invaluable privilege of spending endless days with him gathering worms and the bait necessary for a particular kind of net-fishing.
Attracted to coral fishing, which is carried out at great depths and requires a remarkable underwater knowledge, he spent his time between fishing, boat races and cruises.
He has stopped fishing coral for many years and at the moment he devotes himself to 'long line' fishing.
He has really built up a great experience of the water which has allowed him to shed light, in the Ionian Sea, on the habits of sword-fish, giant tunas, sharks, turtles and cetaceans, all of them accustomed to wandering in the Gulf of Taranto.
Because of the above mentioned reasons Piero is greatly appreciated by the Sicilian fishermen expert in tuna and swordfish.
Rather than continuing to fish Alberto Luca Recchi hopes to convert him to protecting the sea which could really benefit from his valuable experience.

And last but not least, to draw a complete picture of him, it has to be said that Pierfrancesco Lupo is an excellent lawyer (when he has time).

Piero Lupo
Pierfrancesco Lupo

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